Lake Lefroy-including Big Pit Scenic Flight
See the majestic Kalgoorlie "Super Pit", Nickel Smelter and greater Kalgoorlie-Boulder city before flying south to Kambalda and the huge Lake Lefroy Salt lake, a huge expanse of sparse dry lakebed, contrasted with deep mining excavations.
See Book Now for current Prices
Big Pit
Scenic Flight
See the massive Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines "Super Pit" from the best viewpoint you can get! At 3.5km long, 1.5km wide and over 600 metres deep, seeing it from the air is the only way to grasp its mammoth size!
* "Pensioner" rate applies to holders of a valid Australian Pensioner Card, to be shown at check-in.
** "Child" rate applies to children aged under 15 years of age
*** "Infant" rate applies to children aged under 2 years of age that can sit on an adult's lap in the aircraft.
See Book Now for current Prices